7 Useful Techniques To Increase Productivity While Working From Home


Due to the coronavirus pandemic which caused a lockdown where so many people were forced to start working from home, people have become comfortable with this and so it is the new norm. 

However, working from home requires a level of discipline as it is not easy, one can easily lose concentration or become unproductive. This is why this article brings you some techniques or tips to help you increase your productivity while working from home. 

Create a Workspace

To work from home effectively, you would need a place where there are no distractions. Choose a work spot but do not choose somewhere too comfortable like on your bed or in front of the TV. You can make space at the corner of your room and get a comfortable chair and desk to work with. 

Also let other members of your household know your work spot, and you must not be disturbed while trying to get work done. It is important to work somewhere quiet so as to give your full concentration. 

Work On Time Management

Time management is so important when working from home. Managing your time would help you get your work done on time. It would be helpful for you to create a schedule and give yourself deadlines. This would help you make sure you get everything important done that needs to be done.

Use a Planner

Using a planner would help you in managing your daily tasks. There are many task management tools such as Asana, Trello, Microsoft Teams and so on. 

Using a planner to write down and keep track of deadlines, appointments, and meetings daily would plan your work better. By organizing tasks into projects, you can attack them one bite at a time. The planner would help log all tasks and activities, no matter if you work remotely or in the office. Plan the work and work the plan.

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Take Breaks

Taking breaks to allow you to build a healthy resistance against the work pressure. They make you more productive. You can decide if you want the breaks in bits like every 90mins you can chill for 10-15 mins or you can just take a break for an hour once during your work. 

Make sure to also get some fresh air during your break. Being out in the sun is extremely relaxing as it helps to clear your mind. 

Get Regular Exercise And Good Sleep

Exercise and sleep are essential to our well-being. It has a huge effect on our productivity. Sleeping is extremely important especially when you have an early workday the next morning. A major issue people face when working from home is there is hardly any boundary between personal and work life.

There is a strong temptation to be in front of a laptop from the beginning of the day till night. This is wrong. You need to go to bed at an appropriate hour and have at least 7 hours of sleep.

Turn Off Notifications/ Stay Off Social Media 

Your phone can be extremely distracting when trying to work. Having it right next to you while you’re working from home is a big distraction, especially when you see the screen light up. It is hard to not get bored and go on your phone. Once you start scrolling through social media, it can become difficult to get off your phone and not be distracted. This is why it is very important to turn off your phone, or do not have it so close to you so that you won’t be reaching for it all the time.

Be Accountable And Have a Positive Mindset

Having a positive mindset is extremely crucial to one’s growth. Feeling lazy and unproductive will only turn your mindset into a negative one. Along with having a positive mindset, you should also hold yourself accountable. Make sure you know your tasks and due dates and finish them when you are supposed to. 


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