Smart Tips On How To Handle Overbearing Neighbours


From chronic borrowers to overly friendly neigbours who want to tell you so much about themselves each time you meet to irresponsible pet owners and parents of not so well behaved kids, overbearing neighbours can become a nightmare.

The kind of house you live in does not necessarily matter as even the most beautiful home in the most serene town can be hell if you live next door to the wrong set of people. This is why the same way landlords pray and hope for good tenants, tenants pray and hope for good neighbours as well.

Overbearing neighbours are basically people who live next door to you and get on your nerves by doing something upsetting or annoying. It becomes even more uncomfortable when the person does it often and it becomes a habit. Some cases it becomes a problem for you to stay at home.

Let them know what bothers you and How it Makes you feel.

It is possible that your neighbours do not know what they are doing wrong nor do they know they are a disturbance. So it is best you start by discussing with them. Try to keep the conversation friendly and polite while you tell them so that it does not seem like you’re annoyed and want to cause a fight. Tell them how their actions make you feel and cite examples. Often times people will be accomodating and will try stop whatever is annoying you when you let them know.

Consider Using Mediators
If after talking to your neighbours in a calm manner nothing seems to change, then you might want to invite other people to get involved. Sometimes it’s hard to understand people’s concerns and feelings so bringing in a third person is only right to be a mediator.

If you have a landlord you can get in touch with him or her to help work things out between you and your neighbour, and if not then just get anyone that you both are comfortable with.

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Find strength in numbers
There is a high chance that you are not the only person who has experienced or is experiencing what your overbearing neighbour does that affects you. So it might be worth chatting to your other neighbours to find out if they have been affected by their behaviour and what they did to solve it. If they did not work out a solution you and the other neighbours who have been affected by the disruptive person can put heads together and find a solution.

Be Nice and kind to the Children

Extending a hand of friendship can be the solution to some of the issues you may have with your neighbours. For instance, if you live in a family neighborhood where everyone has children and the problem you have with your neighbours is their noisy children you can try getting close to them. Children are typically not hard to please.

If you are available, offer to watch the children once in a while so the parents can have a night to themselves. If you like baking, consider making a few extras for the neighborhood children. As these kids grow up, you’ll reap the rewards of seeing this kindness pay off. Once they respect you whenever you ask them to stop squealing so loud they would listen and that problem is solved.

In summary, establishing a good relationship with your nasty neighbours can help solve problems you might be having with them if done with the right spirit. A good relationship with your neighbors can make your home life so much more pleasant.

However, there are exemptions of some people who refuse to be reasonable no matter how hard you try. If you make an attempt to work with difficult neighbors, and theydo not bulge, don’t put yourself in a dangerous position. You have several choices. You can learn to live with the bad behavior, call the authorities and file a report, or even move out. If you are on rent take the matter up with your landlord he or she can help out.

Just remember that moving doesn’t guarantee you won’t have a bad neighbor because the new community might have someone who is much worse than what you’re dealing with now.

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