Real Estate

7 Inspiring Habits Of A Successful Real Estate Agent

If you really desire to be a successful real estate agent, you have to be driven, dedicated and passionate about achieving your career goals....

8 Outfits That A Realtor Must Never Wear To Work

Your physical appearance as a realtor is an important part of your brand image. No matter how efficient and knowledgeable you are, some clients...

3 Fast And Easy Ways To Get Listings As A New Real Estate Agent

As a new real estate agent, getting listings can prove to be a bit difficult but don’t sweat it. Real estate agents get listings...

Why Location In Real Estate Is Important

You might have wondered why it seems like location in real estate is important. It is always talked about in real estate investments and...

Brief Informative Interview With A Real Estate Consultant

Real estate consultant and Founder of Property Company, Lizoye Properties, talks to Propertydome in an exclusive interview about her experience as a real estate...


