As a property manager, you are charged with the responsibility of overseeing real estate properties. It is your duty to ensure that rental properties are handled and maintained according to the guidance given by the property owner. You are also to ensure that the rental property’s value is preserved.
You have to be skilled and proficient in your day-to-day task of maintaining rental properties, collecting rent, inspecting properties, and ensuring that both property owners and renters are satisfied. There are relevant skills and habits that property managers must possess in order to succeed.
If you’re wondering how to be a great property manager, we have created a list of skills and habits that you must have to help you become more proficient and grow your client base.
Communication skills
A great property manager should have outstanding communication skills whether written or verbal. You will be dealing with property owners, tenants, cleaning and maintenance staff on a regular basis, this means that you have to be able to communicate in simple and clear terms that they can all understand. You should make sure that information is communicated at the right time to avoid mishaps and misunderstandings. A positive attitude towards your clients will help in building your work relationship with them.
Organizational skills
As an individual that is responsible for managing other people’s properties, you need to have organizational skills. You should have a detailed database of property owners and tenants that is accessible to you at any time. A defined schedule will help make your work easier. Also, it is important to have a calendar of due dates of rent payment, maintenance and repairs to set you on the right track.
Avoid procrastination
Thriving property managers get things done at the right time. Whether you multi-task or not, you must be able to discern what is a top priority over the others. Do not delay things. Be responsible by doing what needs to be done in time.
Be knowledgeable
You have to continue garnering knowledge to make you a better property manager. Become a source of knowledge for your clients. You can take courses relating to business, management, accounting etc. You need to be aware of competing rental properties and real estate companies in your locality. Extensive knowledge about housing laws and regulations in your local market is also important.
Have clear goals
Setting both short and long term goals will help you stay motivated and focused. Make sure that you do a review from time to time to ensure that you are achieving your goals. Work towards improving your services and making sure that clients are satisfied. Be innovative by looking out for better ways to achieve your goals. Have a strong desire to achieve success, avoid distractions during work and dedicate yourself to improving on a daily basis.