These Tenants Recount Unusual Rules Their Landlords Laid Out


Most times Tenants have one or two things to say about their Landlords especially if the Landlord lives in the same compound as them. Some Landlords, especially those uneducated ones that most likely built their house a long time ago or maybe inherited it or the land from their parents sometimes lay ridiculous rules for tenants to follow. 

A survey was carried out on social media platform, Twitter to find out the weirdest rule a landlord or lady has given a tenant or a funny or bizarre encounter tenants have had with landlords. The responses from this Twitter thread would leave you laughing your guts out. 

Adedoyin recounted his experience saying that his landlord made every guest visiting tenants to fill a register at the gate and the guests also had a particular timing in which after that they can’t stay much longer. Toluwalope also made known that her landlady does not allow anyone to fetch water past 7 pm. 

Adedoyin’s words; “All guests must fill the guest register at the gate before being allowed to come in. Any visit more than 2 hours, same sex or opposite sex, the security man go kum dey knock door say time don go!”

“My landlady doesn’t allow any tenant to fetch water from the well after 7pm because she believes the well has slept” Toluwalope stayed. 

For Joeywrites, it was about pets, although this is quite common, for Joey he felt it was unfair. According to him, his dog was poisoned because he owned one thereby going against his Landlord’s rule of not having pets. 

Other responses include;

Bob said “Got an apartment in Bariga,my landlord is a retired military man. He said you can’t invite one or two friends to visit you and he/she must not sleep over because he believes overcrowding will make his house collapse”.

He told us that we should pass the small gate that the big gate is for him and his family and no cars allowed in his compound”. Ojike Efua said. 

Tobi  “No one perforates or make any hole on the walls. All your framed pictures, wall clocks, designs etc have to be placed on the floor”

Skillful; “The gate will be locked 10:30 pm and will not be opened till 6:am, I went through hell back then especially on champions league nights.”

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Bode; “Somewhere in Akoka, a landlady had 10 commandments written boldly on the wall in the compound. 2 commandments which I’ll never forget:

1. Don’t use your generator as from 7PM daily. 

2. Visitors/Squatters are not allowed to sleep over.”

Nelly;She said we shouldn’t be allowing any visitors sleepover and she meant it, one time my friend came over and stayed till 8 pm, mama came knocking at my door, shouting at the girl to leave”.

Recall that we have previously published an article on house hunting in Lagos titled “Some Of The Weirdest House Hunting In Lagos stories”.  The article gave an insight into what it feels like looking for a house in the city of Lagos. It revealed the challenges and problems people have especially with agents and landlords. In the article, a number of people also recounted the experiences they had before they could get a comfortable house in Lagos. 

Have you also had funny or unusual experiences with your Landlord? Do share in the comment section.


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