6 Unusual Things To Do This Christmas


Hey! It’s been an unusual year, so why not have an unusual Christmas. Are you stuck wondering what to do on Christmas Day? Here’s a selection of fun things to do during Christmas to make it special;


Visit an orphanage in a Santa Costume

Put a smile on the faces of children in an orphanage close to you. They need basic things like clothes, food, school supplies and special gifts for Christmas. What better way to give them these presents than in a Santa Costume? Imagine the smiles you’ll be putting on the faces of these children when they see Santa Claus drop by with gifts for them. They’ll be happy and you’ll feel fulfilled that you were able to be of help. 



Go on an adventure trip

Get a taste of adventure this Christmas by going on an exotic adventure. It is the most wonderful time of the year. You can decide to have a Christmas getaway by yourself or with family. There are amazing places to visit and fun things to do such as mount climbing, kayaking etc. 


Have a self retreat 

Christmas is the time that you have time on your hands to relax and do whatever you want. You can decide to go on a self retreat. Take time out for some self care, self nurturing and give yourself a present. Spend time with yourself to rediscover yourself, review how you spent the year and set some goals for the new year. 


Get busy with crafts

You can decide to get busy with crafts this Christmas. Learn to do some Do It Yourself art crafts that you can use to decorate the house. There are beautiful and simple craft ideas that you can get from Pinterest


Play secret Santa 

Play secret Santa with your family. Secret Santa is a gift exchange game that is played during Christmas. Basically, everyone in the family writes down their name on a piece of paper, folds it and puts it in a bowl. The bowl is passed around and each person picks a paper and becomes a secret Santa for whoever they pick. Each person has to buy a gift and a date will be set for the exchange of gifts and everyone finds out who their secret Santa is. 


Watch YouTube how-to videos 

This is probably the perfect time to learn how to do something that you’ve always wanted to do. Watch YouTube to learn how to dance, bake, knit, play piano, or anything that you fancy. YouTube is a great and free platform for learning anything including self defense skills. 

As the year comes to an end, one common practice is to review how the year went. You are also likely to set some goals and new year resolutions for yourself. Whatever your plans are, your wish is to be more productive in the new year. Read our article 7 Great Habits To Make You More Productive In The New Year to help you achieve your goals for the new year and leave you feeling fulfilled.

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